39th International Women’s Day

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UDs joins women in accelerating progress
Dschang,UDs/SIC-08/03/24. The University of Dschang joined their female staff to celebrate the 39th Edition of the International Women’s Day.This event ended the one-week jam-packed activities, with a colourful match pass at the ceremonial ground of Dschang. During the event which was marked by scintillating display of talents and prowess of the women folk, speeches highlighted the persistent challenges and advances in the fight for equality and the need to encourage solidarity and collective action in advancing the cause of the women in society.
The majestic display of the female staff of the University of Dschang in their rose fabric beamed the occasion as their male staff joined them to mark this memorable day .
The University Restaurant was the next stop, after the march pass where the Rector, Professor Roger Tsafack Nanfosso did not hide his optimism to continue in ensuring that he and his administration carry the women along. This sentiment of satisfaction and fulfilment was expressed by all female staff during the event through chants of praise and acknowledgement. The event was coordinated by the Coordinator of the International Women’s day in UDs, Prof Wansi Slyvie Lea, who saluted some very committed female and male personnel who provided their undiluted support throughout the activities of the week. These laureates received special gifts from the Rector to their utmost satisfaction. Below are some of the views of the participants at the end of the 39th edition in the university:
I have to say that at the end of the activities and festivities that we carried out during this one week period, today was the climax. It was a celebration, a communion with the initiator of the Collective Dynamics. He who engineered the days’ success, no other person than Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso, Rector of the University of Dschang. I feel a sense of satisfaction, gratitude, joy that fills my heart at this moment. You can bear with me the massive mobilization of all the women of the University community, be it teaching, non-teaching staff and students likewise… The women of the University of Dschang all came out with the same spirit and mission to testify their gratitude to the head of the institution for all he is doing for the women in the University of Dschang. Thank You Immensely
Prof Slyvie Lea, Wansi, VRCIE and Coordinator of the IWD in UDs
I am very happy because it is our celebration and I want to commend our men. The Rector in particular has always invested in the women. So we are very proud of all his actions to ensure that development is accelerated through women…. It is mark of excellence because everything concerning women has been properly handled by the Rector. Once more thank you.
Mme Simo Nee MOGEUM Bernadette (FEM) and Rep of Non-teaching female staff
We are at the last phase of the activities and the key word here is to say thank Mr Rector. For his daily endeavours put in place for the female staff of the University of Dschang. Special praise to his committed nature during all our one-week activity. As we round up activities of the week, we just witnessed an impressive march pass by UDs and the recreational gala we just attended. It is worth mentioning, that the Rector always honours the women and gives them their rightful dues .He has already accelerated the development process through all his action…, all I can say is Thank you Mr Rector
Mme Ngah Pauline Epse Kouamen (Chef DASA UDs)
I thank the Rector…I can attest that the celebration has been very successful; all the female staff of the University of Dschang is entirely satisfied. I acknowledge the organising committee and most especially the Rector who has been behind the women supporting all our activities …I Must confess it is a complete success.
Mme Kamdoun Solange Barbara (Accounting Office),
I say thank you thank you thank and thank you .Mme Kenfack Collete.
The International Women’s Day 2024 was a success, as it was marked by very industrious activities. For the training during the activities, I must thank the Rector, father of the Collective dynamics who put all efforts to ensure the women of UDs stand up right. During the week, we partook in many activities such as training in which the women learnt a lot. Women were trained on how to produce noodles, process fish and chicken…All was done on the spot. I wish to thank the Coordinator and organising committee who ensured that the activities be carried out successfully. I was appreciated as one of those who had an impact during the activities of the international week in the University of Dschang. Am so moved and hope to continue in that light.
Mme Alida Blandine (FASA)
The Rector has never relented on his activities towards women, every step was well taken. We started with a fitness walk and other activities such as round table conferences, educative talk shows, training etc and finally a superb gala today. I thank the father of the Collective Dynamics and the Coordinator who has guided us all this while. Soon I will be on retirement but it has been worthwhile at UDs.
Mme DJEUKWE nee Kwemi Beatrice (FASA)
I thank the founder of Collective Dynamics and Rector .It is very comforting to know that we have such an administrator and we have a leader who takes into consideration all the needs of the women in UDs. All the women are happy and laud his unflinching support to the women.
Mme Ela epse Takea Marie (Student Welfare)