6th Edition of the Inter service Championship


Faculty of Sciences clinches overall trophy

Dschang,UDs/SIC-29/07/24.The Catapult stadium of the University of Dschang rallied members of the university community and guests and hosted the final game of the 6th edition of the Inter Service Championship which began 6 months ago.In prelude to the football match final that opposed the Faculty of Sciences and Central services, the women were in honour with a gala handball match between those of the faculties against those of the Central services which ended in favour of the faculties with a score of 16-1 in a very colourful scenario.

During the closing ceremony, the Director of Student’s Welfare, Mr Zie Zie Gothard in his welcome word, appreciated all athletes while thanking the Rector for his immense support throughout the sporting season of the university. The Rector of the University represented by the Vice Rector in charge of Internal Control and Evaluation, Prof Wansi Slyvie Lea in her closing remarks highlighted with satisfaction the role the DCOU and his team had made to make sports bring social cohesion, joy, unity and fraternity. The football match which opposed the faculty of Sciences and the Central services ended in a 2-0 victory in favour of the faculty of Sciences.

This results show that the central services have lost for the second time in two football finals. The ceremony ended with the award of medals, prizes and trophies in various disciplines to crown the event. The third place went to FSEG as the FLSH never showed up for the match. The years go by and seem to be the same for the SCS. During the magnificent celebration marking the closing of the activities of the 6th edition of CISUDS, history repeated itself. The FS does not know how to lose the finals; on the other hand, the SCS have still not discovered the secret of victory in the final .

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