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    Handing over Ceremony of computers to UDs

    The date of 16th of February 2018 will be boldly written in the annals of the officials and especially students of the University of Dschang marking the handing over of the gift of computers to students from the Head of State, Presi...

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    Prestation de serment

    Les étudiants de l’UDs réaffirment leur adhésion aux idéaux qui gouvernent leur institution

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Setting up the Cati 2 –UDs Campus of Ebolowa and special call for innovative ideas

Dschang,UDs/SIC-13/01/20.The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang informs the university community and the public of the city of Ebolowa and its environs of the creation of a support Center for Techno..

FASA Kickstarts with Major Conferences

Agronomic Research and speculative food-crop Agriculture in Cameroon

Dschang,UDs/SIC-08/01/20.The University of Dschang in a bid to foster knowledge on Wednesday 8th of January launched the academic conferences for the 2019/2020 academic year. The Conference hosted by the Faculty of Agronomy ..

Major Conference

Conference entitled “Agronomic Research and Speculative food-crop Agriculture in Cameroon”

Dschang,UDs/SIC-07/01/20.In the framework of its usual Major Conferences inscribed within the institution’s programme, the Dschang School of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences will be organizing a..

Don présidentiel de 500 000 Ordinateurs

La 2ème phase de distribution des ordinateurs Paul Biya Higher Education Vision (PBHev) débute à l’UDs

Dschang, UDs/SIC–6/01/2020. Le lundi 6 janvier 2020, le Recteur de l’Université de Dschang (UDs), le Pr Roger Tsafack Nanfosso, a procédé au lancement officiel de la deuxième ph..


2nd phase of Distribution of PBHEV Computers

UDs 1st   university to benefit from the Head of State

Dschang,UDs/SIC-6/01/20.Exceeding joy was expressed by the students and lecturers of the University of Dschang as they witnessed the official distribution ceremony of the Paul Biya Higher Education Vision (PBHEV) computers. The ceremony..


La Dynamique Semestrielle - N°006

Dschang,UDS/SIC-27/12/19.On July 02, 2019, the University of Dschang held the fortieth ordinary session of its Administrative Council. With focus on the scrutiny of accounts and the appraisal of the 2018 performance, the session ended with a deep sense of s..

Communique final

A l’issue de la 41e session du Conseil d’Administration

Dschang,UDs/PCA/R-28/12/19. L’an deux mille dix-neuf et le vingt-huit décembre, s’est tenue dans la salle  Actes du Rectorat, la quarante-unième  session...

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