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    Handing over Ceremony of computers to UDs

    The date of 16th of February 2018 will be boldly written in the annals of the officials and especially students of the University of Dschang marking the handing over of the gift of computers to students from the Head of State, Presi...

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    Prestation de serment

    Les étudiants de l’UDs réaffirment leur adhésion aux idéaux qui gouvernent leur institution

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L’ organisation de Start-Up Week 2017

Dschang,UDs/SIC-12/10/17..L’Université de Dschang (UDs) abrite du 05 au novembre 2017 une compétition de projets d’entreprises baptisée « CATI2-UDs–UDs Start-Up Week 2017 ». Il s’agit d’un événement qui marque la fin du processus de ma..

Recruitment of New Lecturers at UDs

Interviews set from the 17th to the 19th of October

Dschang,UDs/SIC-11/10/17. The Vice chancellor of the University of Dschang, on October 11TH 2017, signed a communique announcing that, “Interviews for the recruitment of Assistant lecturers and Research assistants are scheduled to take p..

Œuvres universitaires

Les premiers plats de l’année sont servis

Dschang, UDs/SIC-09-10-2017. Il est 11 heures, ce 10 octobre 2017,au restaurant A de l’Université de Dschang. Le tout premier repas de l’année scolaire est en train d’être servi. Le menu du jour est affiché à l’entrée : riz cuit à la..

Recruitment of new lecturers at UDs

The examination of files is in progress

Dschang UDs/SIC-10/10/17.The academic departments of the University of Dschang are currently examining application files of prospective candidates to be recruited as assistant lecturers and research assistants. This is a crucial step in the recruitment ..

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