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    Handing over Ceremony of computers to UDs

    The date of 16th of February 2018 will be boldly written in the annals of the officials and especially students of the University of Dschang marking the handing over of the gift of computers to students from the Head of State, Presi...

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    Prestation de serment

    Les étudiants de l’UDs réaffirment leur adhésion aux idéaux qui gouvernent leur institution

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The Vice Chancellor and South region administrators in an exchange session

South Region administrators pay courtesy call

Projections on the extension of the UDs incubator project

Dschang-UDs/SIC-23/02/17. he Mayor of Kye-ossi, Mr Bikoro Eneme Alain and the Senior Divisional Officer of the Vallée du Ntem division , Mr Baorou Alim Jean Roger of the South Region paid a courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor of ..

Campus B, UDs. Vérités et sévérité du babillard de la FSEG

Examens de fin du 1er semestre 2017

Publication des résultats : la FSEG tire les autres établissements de l’Université de Dschang

Dschang, UDs-SIC, 22/02/17. Euphorie ce mercredi 22 février 2017 devant le babillard de la Faculté de sciences économiques et de gestion (FSEG). Les résultats de fin du premier semestre de l..

Exchange session during the working visit

The University of Siena and UDs in a working session

Fostering ties for cooperation

Dschang SIC/UDs-16/02/17.The Chancellery conference hall of the University of Dschang hosted a working session between the Rector of the University of Stranieri de Siena (Italy) and the University of Dschang. The visit which commenced at 10.00 am was marked by a..

début d’épreuves

Examen premier semestre

L’UDs entame la 1ère phase décisive de son année académique

Dschang, SIC /UDS -14/12/17. Depuis hier, hormis l’Institut des Beaux-Arts de Foumban qui a repoussé ses examens pour le 15 février, tous les établissements de l’UDs sont engagés dans l’une des phases les plus décis..

Preparations for exams

2016 /2017 1st semester examinations on gear

Dschang, SIC/UDs- 08/02/17. The University of Dschang is set to start its 1st semester examination scheduled from the 13th February 2017; this is in line with the 2016/2017 academic calendar. According to a reminder signed by the Vice Chancellor,..

l’Université de Dschang activement participé à la fête

51e édition de la fête de la jeunesse

Les innovations de l’Université de Dschang en faveur de l’unité des jeunes

Dschang, UDs/SIC-12/02/2017. Exit la cinquante-unième édition de la fête de la jeunesse au Cameroun. Au moment du bilan, l’on retient certainement la participation de l’Université de Dschang qui a impactÃ..

The march pass of students of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences during the 51st edition of the national day

51st Edition of the national youth day

UDs celebrate with grandeur

Dschang UDs/SIC/11/02/17.The 51st edition of the National youth day was celebrated in the Menuoa Division in grand style where the youths of the division showcased their talents and youthfulness in their march pass under the theme "Youth and the Challenges of build..

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