BUIDAAC N°001 – Quatrième trimestre de l’année 2018
At the impulse of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Professor Roger TSAFACK NANFOSSO, the Collective Dynamics, watchword of the Institution is now clocking its fourth year. Characterized among other things by a trans-parent man..
BUIDAAC N°002 du 1er janvier au 31 mars 2019
Academia, Research and Cooperation work together at the University of Dschang, to be the determinants of its pride. The recent ranking of the institution amongst the top 100 best African universities, and its leadership in Cameroon and C..
BUIDAAC N°003 du 1er avril au 26 juillet 2019
The third quarter whose activities for the 2018 – 2019 academic year are highlighted in this issue of BUIDAAC has again not failed in its regular academic duties in teaching, research and cooperation, in spite of numerous extra-curricular ac..
BUIDAAC N004 & 005 du 27 juillet au 29 février 2020
Dear reader, this is the combined fourth and fifth issues of the Quarterly News Bulletin of the Directorate of Academic Affairs and Cooperation (BUIDAAC) for the 2019-2020 academic year. This News Bulletin is mainly intended for the university..