Digital Partnership Agreement
UDs and Orange Cameroun
Dschang,UDs/SIC-18/05/18. The 9 page accord and annex with specific clauses defined the areas of partnership between the University of Dschang and Orange Cameroun for the promotion of digitalization and..Orange Cameroun & UDs Partnership Agreement
DG assures total commitment
Dschang UDs/SIC-18/05/18. The Director General of Orange Cameroun, Mr. Frederic DEBORD during the signing of a partnership agreement with the University of Dschang pledged the telecommunication comp..Students to play role in technological advancement
UDs presents Team Orange
Dschang UDs/SIC-18/05/18. The University of Dschang during the second phase of the ceremony of the signing of the partnership agreement with Orange Cameroun presented the medals won and the victors dur..UDs gears up to host 2019 games
Presentation of medals
Dschang UDs/SIC-18/05/18. The University of Dschang through the Director of Student’s Welfare, Mr Ebendeng Valere presented the medals and outstanding athletes and coaches during the university games a..46th Edition of the National Day
UDs/FMPS joins the podium
Dschang,UDs-SIC-20/05/18. For the first time, the students of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Dschang were part of the over 500 students of the university t..Training seminar in Quality Assurance
A necessity to improve university governance
Dschang ,UDs/SIC-22/05/18.The Francophonie Institute for University Governance (IFGU) is accompanying UDs to organize a seminar from the 22nd to 25th of May 2018, on the impregnati..Gouvernance Universitaire
L’UDs à l’école de l’assurance qualité
Dschang UDs/SIC-22/05/18.Ce 22 mai 2017, il s’est ouvert dans la salle International House du GIE SA de l’Université de Dschang un séminaire d’imprégnation et de forma..Communiqué
12e édition de stage de vacances
Dschang, UDs/SIC-23/05/18.Le Recteur de l’Université de Dschang porte à la connaissance des étudiants de son institution que dans le cadre de sa politique d’assistance aux étudiants ..Kabirou Mohamadou, Représentant IFGU
« L’Université devrait créer un comité ad hoc qui sera chargé d’implémenter les recommandations »
Dschang, UDs/SIC-24-05-2018. « Nous avons commencé le séminaire de formation en Assurance Qualité par les conc..Communiqué Final