Five ( 5) months mobility for students of the university of Dschang

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Call for Candidature for Students – Erasmus + program the University of Huelva
Dschang,SIC13/03/24.As part of the Cooperation with Erasmus + program between the University of Dschang and the University of Huelva in Spain , the Rector opens candidatures for five ( 5) months mobility for students of the university of Dschang and Private Higher education institutions under its academic supervision
Application conditions: candidate has to
- Be registered in an option that has corresponding courses at the UHU.
- Download and fill the sheet KA171 from
- Show proof of a valid passport,
- Justify the regularity of his/her registration at the requested level; 5. Provide his/her legalized previous Degree Certificates;
- Speak and write correctlyy English and/or Spanish;
- Provide his/her current CV and one (01) ID photo;
- Write motivated letter addressed to the Rector,
- Drop closed submission at the office 110 of the Rectorate.
Nota Bene:
– Female candidatures are encouraged,
– Persons with difficult socio-economic conditions are encouraged to apply;
– The deadline is two weeks as from the signing date of this call;
– 02 places are available and the mobility date is set from September 2024 to January 2025;
– Selected students will receive financial assistance to cover maintenance costs during the period
of mobility as well as financial assistance to cover travel costs;
– Participants in mobility will attend classes and make use of the facilities and infrastructure of the receiving university without paying tuition fees (except for minor issues that are also applied to local students). All activities included in the Learning Agreement between participating universities will be recognized by the home university.
– Candidates are advised to read carefully the information in this call prior before completing and handing in applications;
-The selection scale of 50 points is shared as follows: Average grade of university level (30 points). – Level of mobility language certificate required if necessary) 1103 punts-Motivation lever 105 points). Additional skills or particular socio-economic situation (05 posts) Candidate who has never experienced Erasmus+ with the University of Dschang (05 points
PDF (Sheet KA171) to be downloaded -a téléchargez