General Assembly of non-teaching staff

- Publié par A. S.
- Publié dans Campus infos, En vedette
VC reassures staff of better working conditions
Dschang-SIC/UDs-18/10/16.The University of Dschang, on the 18th of October 2016 as part of activities marking the start of the 2016/2017 academic year organized a general assembly for the non-teaching staff. The meeting which started at 2.45 pm was presided over by the Vice Chancellor/ UDs, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso. The Vice Chancellor in his eloquent speech congratulated staff for their role played in ensuring the growth and success of the university for the past academic year. Four key points of his discourse included the living and working conditions of the staff, University cohesion and issues on recent developments in the University. Concerning the Living conditions, the VC evoked the issue of the Health insurance for staff which is being finalized and reiterated that plans for staff lodging were ongoing with potential partners. The working condition for staff was evoked with proper hygiene and sanitation especially for offices and buildings of the University. Plans to maximize the 16 megabyte optic fibers for staff and students were underway. The VC appreciated staff who deepen their knowledge through training but emphasized that reclassification will only take place on a demand driven basis. As concerns University Cohesion, the Vice Chancellor, encouraged the staff to carry on with the spirit of collective dynamism; an ideology presently governing the University. He called on them to participate in social media, the radio and every aspect boosting the image of the university. Prof Tsafack called on the Association of Non-teaching staff to make their presence felt in the University, he encouraged hard work and commitment. An interactive session in which staff appreciated the immense work carried out by the VC since his Appointment in September 2015 and frank expression of needs to help them improve their performance at work. They raised concerns in domains like increase in training seminars, relationship with other structures etc. The meeting ended with a sumptuous meal at the University Restaurant. /GC