Installation ceremony 2020

- Publié par R.
- Publié dans Campus infos, En vedette
Officials called upon to be assiduous
Dschang,UDs/SIC-26/20.The 24th of June 2020 is one of those days that brought the University community of Dschang together, this time around for the installation of its newly appointed staff. This event took place at the Amphi theatre 1000 of the University Campus at 11:30am. The ceremony saw the installation of those appointed by the Presidential Decree no 2020/231 of 22nd April 2020 and Ministerial Order no 2020/303 of 08th June 2020 respectively. The ceremony was chaired by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso who was accompanied by members of the Chancellery board. Taking place during the Convid 19 pandemic the university took appropriate barrier measures to fight against the plight. The number of people in the hall were limited to strictly the concerned and a companion, the availability for hand sanitizers and the compulsory wearing of facemasks were also ensured. The ceremony kick-started with the reading of the decree and Order, followed by the speech presented by the Vice-Chancellor who congratulated the newly nominated staff, yet charging them with the responsibility of effective management and assiduity. Collective team spirit was the center piece of his speech, in a bid to ensure productivity and pay attributes to services rendered, the VC and the university paid hommage to the outgoing, Director of the Fotso Victor University Institute of Technology, Prof Medard Fogue who occupied the position for over 20 years. He was presented a gift of a traditional seat and staff by the University community and applauded for his undiluted services rendered to the institution. The incoming Director of Planning Infrastructure and Development, Prof Moukengue Imano Adolphe and the new Director of the Fotso Victor University Institute of Technology, Prof Tamo Tatsietse Thomas received bouquets of flowers from the university community to welcome them to their new posts. Remarkable during the installation ceremony, out of those installed, 9 female staff took new positions as the Vice-Chancellor admonished them to put in their best in ensuring the progress of the institution. The ceremony saw each member installed receive a bouquet of flower from a relative and acclamations from members of the chancellery board. At the end of the ceremony a family picture was taken to immortalize the event while the Vice-Chancellor was granted an interview with the media. The happiness in the air shows that this group of staff are ready to take the mantle of leadership and forge new heights to ensure excellence in the institution. /LD