Quality Assurance


UDs brainstorms on the institutional auto evaluation.

Dschang,UDs/SIC-18/03/25. The Gibering Bol Alima Conference hall played host to the official launching of the auto-evaluation of the institution’s service delivery. The working session brought together over 50 participants, comprising of members of the Rectorate council, the quality assurance unit of UDs, quality assurance pool, members of the Joint QA Africa project as well as focal points and their teams from the faculties of the University of Dschang.

The meeting chaired by the Rector’s representative, Prof Guimdo Raymond Bertrand (VRECOME/UDS), who in his opening speech highlighted the value of quality assurance in organisations “No structure can succeed without an impressive quality of its services”. He reiterated that the concept of auto-evaluation was vital to ensure a proper diagnosis on the quality of services delivered by teaching, non-teaching and students in the institution.

This meeting serves as a platform to implement the « Quality Assurance » system in education, scientific research, governance, infrastructure, life within the Institution, relations with the socio-economic environment, and cooperation. It also gears at creating a creative space enabling the exchange of ideas between all components of the university community.

The implementation of Quality Assurance likewise ensures the monitoring the implementation of documents issued by various national and international quality assurance organizations and ensures the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of self-assessment operations at the Institution level.

A brief presentation of the institutional auto-evaluation concept was presented by Prof Djofack Sidonie, DAAF/UDs underscoring the need for any structure to evaluate its performance in line with the norms and regulations in place with the aim of improving its services. She indicated that the objectives targeted the need to ameliorate continuous service, prepare staff for external evaluation and reinforce confidence in service delivery. The DAAF outlined 5 key axes (governance and quality, training policy, research policy, university life, and ethics and social responsibility and enjoined key administrators to ensure focal points attain the objectives to guarantee continuity in higher education, research and services, “as such , Quality assurance it is a continuous process” she stated.

Prof Wansi Sylvie Lea, Vice Rector in Charge of Internal Control and Evaluation, besides being the President of the Quality Assurance unit of UDs and Coordinator of the Joint QA Africa project in UDs at the end of the 2 hour working session coordinated proposals on ensuring proper quality strategies were mapped out alongside the need to sensitise stakeholders on quality delivery.

It is obvious that in the coming weeks the university of Dschang will ponder creatively in the progress of ensuring quality service delivery within all the components of the university. This self-assessment conducted by the University constitutes a significant step in its quest for excellence by guaranteeing not only improved monitoring of the quality of the services offered but also increased recognition at the international level./


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