Students  to play role in technological advancement


UDs presents Team Orange

Dschang UDs/SIC-18/05/18. The University of Dschang during the second phase of the ceremony of the signing of the partnership agreement with Orange Cameroun presented the medals won and the victors during the just concluded university games in Maroua. The colourful and lively ceremony   that started at 11.40 am at the university conference hall was animated by the technological prowess of Orange Cameroon as live broadcast of the event beautified the scenario. During the ceremony the Digital Expert of Orange Cameroun, Mr Joseph Abena, presented the  programmes, digital vision and prospects of Orange Cameroun for the University of Dschang. Mr Abena highlighted the four axis of innovation of Orange Cmeroun which were technology, innovation, incubation and acceleration. The Digital expert  also presented 4 groups of person that had contributed enormously to entrepreneurial development in the country through their help and stated that the company is poised to develop such talents and innovation in the University. The expert traced the technological evolution from 2000 till date. He concluded that Orange Cameroun was present to ensure a digital ecosystem  in the university, accompany UDs in the global process of digitalization, providing a high debit connection, cloud sharing, Wifi and 4G connection as well as create a platform for exchange through Orange Plus and Orange Plus Master programmes. The Orange expert indicated that a 25 member team of student ambassadors from all the faculties and levels had already enrolled over 5000 students into the youth programme for Orange within just 3 months. The Chief Marketing and Communication Officer, Sekou Barry appreciated the efforts of the team and assured Orange’s cooperation in their affairs as members that made up the team were presented to the University community./

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